Architecture transformation – Circular, Innovative, Sustainable

The greatest task of architecture is to protect people and make their lives more comfortable and secure. In the last few decades we have had to realize that resources are finite. Architecture is increasingly focusing on this insight. This transformation of the architecture means no longer consuming resources, but rather constantly using them in other contexts if necessary. Durability, reuse, alternative materials and new ways of producing and using energy are about to become the norm in architecture.

The International ArchitectureForum was in 2024 once again a key component of GET NORD and again organized by our longstanding partner, the Architektur Centrum Hamburg.

Under the title "Architecture Transformation – Circular, Innovative, Sustainable" internationally renowned architects presented their current projects over three days, once again attracting the attention of the architectural community at the fair.

Cover page of the program of the International Architecture Forum. The topic is: Architecture Transformation – circular, innovative, sustainable

Programme International ArchitectureForum

Here you can find the programme of the International ArchitectureForum 2024 for download as PDF.